The Department of English

About the Department of English

The Department of English, established in 1999, has shaped generations of students into competent and creative individuals who excel in their chosen fields of specialization. The Department offers BA English (Model II- Administrative Assistant) Programme and currently, there are 80 students and 5 members of the faculty. The Department has brought laurels to the College by securing top ranks every year, including the First Rank, in the Mahatma Gandhi University examinations. The Research Forum of the department aims at cultivating research culture among the students by encouraging them to publish and present papers at national and international fora. Our students have published papers in UGC-indexed/peer-reviewed journals and presented papers at several national conferences in Kerala. The Department also coordinates Incandescence Language Consultancy Services (ILCS), offering editing, proofreading,language training, materials development and translation services.


To transform the students into globally competent and creative citizens with the penchant for language and literature, forming a part of larger community, equipped with skills and abilities valuable for all walks of life.

Courses Offered

  • B.A. English (Honours)
  • B.A. English (Honours with Research)
  • B.A. English Language and Literature (Model II- Administrative Assistant)

Retired Faculty

  1. Ms. Mariyamma Mathew
  2. Dr. Mariyam Kuruvilla Joseph
  3. Dr. Susan George
  4. Ms. Latha Premkumari
  5. Dr. Salim Varghese




  1. Poem Analysis Content
  2. Poem Analysis-PPT
  3. Essay Writing-Content
  4. Essay Writing-PPT