College Library

The College Library started functioning in 1982 in a small room, in the old block where the College office functioned. In 1992, the Library was shifted to ‘Grace Cottage’. In July 2002, our manager, Rt.Rev.Geevarghese Mar Athanasius Episcopa inaugurated the Library at the western block of the main building. The present Library was built in connection with the Silver Jubilee Memorial of the College and was funded by the UGC in 2006. In July 2007, the then Manager, Rt.Rev.Dr. Joseph Mar Iraneous Suffragan Metropolitan inaugurated this Library block. The centrally located Library provides easy access to students and members of the staff. The total carpet area of the central library is 1800.3622 Sq.ft.The well-furnished college library follows the open access system. Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme is adopted in the library.
The Library has installed the software, ‘LIBSOFT’ and all the computers are networked. All books are bar coded for easy transactions. Internet facility is also provided free of cost to staff and students during working hours. The Library books collection includes 16796 volumes. The library subscribes to 27 journals, 35 popular magazines and 6 newspapers. The library has a bound-volume journal collection of 420 volumes. Library document information are available on the website The Library is kept open from 8.30 A.M to 4.30 P.M. on all working days except public holidays.

Digital Library and OPAC

Library Rules
- Strict silence should be observed in the Library
- Books and other personal belongings should not be taken into the Library. Each student may take only blank paper sheets to the Library for the purpose of taking notes.
- Library member ID cards and loan documents are not transferable. The borrower is responsible for the documents issued on her card.
- Member Identity card is to be produced for entering the Library and for the issue of books. Users may swipe their ID card at the gate entry monitoring system.
- A number of books a student can borrow at a time from the College Library: For Degree Course – two, for P.G. Course – four.
- The issuing time is from 12.30 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. and the facility to return will be open from 9.00 A.M to 1.30 P.M. In the absence of the Library staff, the Library will remain closed from 2.30 P.M.
- Students should enter the details of the books that are issued to their name in the Issue Register.
- Books borrowed from the Library must be returned after a week and they can be renewed for a further period of seven days or more if no one else has applied for the same books. If the due date is a holiday, the book must be returned on the next working day. Failure to return the book on or before the due date shall entail the student to pay a fine of Re.1/- per day for delay of each book.
- Books must be carefully verified at the time of issue, and the attention of the Librarian should be called to the fact. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage.
- Disfiguring and tearing of pages of books and scribbling on them and spoiling the binding will be considered as serious damage to the books and in such cases they are either to be replaced, by new copies or get bound by the borrower.
- Absence from the college will not be accepted as an excuse for not returning the books in time.
- All the books borrowed from the Library by students and the members of the staff must be returned by 15th March every year for the annual stock verification of the Library.
- The loss of a book should be reported to the Librarian as soon as possible. The borrower is liable to pay the default fine on the book till the date of such report and from that date she will be held responsible for replacing the lost book or paying the cost of replacement of the book. 14. Hall tickets for University examinations, issue of T.C. and refund of caution deposit can only be made after clearing all dues to the Library.
- Students are advised to leave the books on the table or stools that are provided near the shelf and not to keep the book back on the shelves as the documents may get misplaced.
- Members of the teaching staff can borrow 15 books from the Library for a period of 15 days and they can borrow textbooks prescribed for their subject for a period of one academic year from the Library.
- Members of non-teaching staff are allowed 5 books at a time only from the Library for a period of 15 days.
- Staff who takes leave for more than six months must return all the books borrowed from the Library before proceeding on leave.
- For lost books, If a new edition or copies of the lost books are available with the book supplier, the book has to be replaced by a new one.
- If the lost book is not available for replacement, the value of the lost book will be realised at the following rates
- Ten times the face value of the books which are published before January 1946.
- Six times the face value of the books, which are published before January 1970.
- Thrice the face value of the books which are published after January 1970.20. Books from the reference section and current periodicals shall not be taken outside the Library. These can only be consulted in the Library.
- Current magazines, journals and newspapers shall not be issued to staff and students, however back volumes of the periodicals may be issued for a week.
- Books taken from the Library shall be returned when called for all cases of violation of rules will be reported to the Principal for suitable action.
- In all matters regarding the Library, the decision of the Principal shall be final.