Well equipped Laboratory for Undergraduate and Post Graduate students.

A well-equipped laboratory is essential for providing students with hands-on learning experiences, fostering scientific inquiry, and preparing them for careers in zoology and related fields.

List of equipments and facilities found in the Zoology lab of Mar Thoma College for Women:

Compound Microscopes used for observing small organisms, tissues, and cells at high magnifications.

Dissecting Microscopes which are ideal for studying larger specimens and conducting dissections.

Specimen Collection and Preservation– Specimen Jars and Containers to store and preserve specimens in formalin or ethanol, Insect Pins and Mounting Boards essential for pinning and mounting insects, Insect Traps, and Aquatic Nets used for collecting live specimens, Ethanol and Formalin for preserving specimens for future study.

Dissection Tools: scalpels, scissors, forceps, and probes for specimen dissection, dissecting boards to hold specimens during dissections, Dissecting Trays for organizing tools and specimens.

Skeletons and Models:

Skeletal Models: Human, vertebrate, and invertebrate skeletons for comparative anatomy studies.

Anatomical Models: Models of organs and systems for physiology and anatomy lessons.

Chemical and Reagent Storage: Adequate storage facilities for chemicals, reagents, and samples.

Laboratory Glassware and Consumables:A wide range of glassware, including beakers, flasks, pipettes, burettes and vials.

Water Quality/ Soil Testing facilities: Measure parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and conductivity in water bodies and soil properties like pH, moisture content, and nutrient levels.

Reference Materials: Zoology Textbooks, Field Guides for identifying local fauna and flora.

Aquaria for maintaining live aquatic specimens.

Sample Preparation Equipment like Centrifuges for separating particles or components in environmental samples and Shaker, water bath which help in sample preparation.

Computer and Software: Computers with internet access and software for data analysis and research.

Environmental Control -refrigerator for storing specimens and materials.

Climate-controlled rooms or chambers like incubator/ hot air oven for maintaining specific environmental conditions for experiments.

Audio-visual Equipment: Projectors and screens for presentations and lectures.

Storage and Workspace: Laboratory benches, sinks for conducting experiments. Cabinets and shelving for storing equipment and supplies, Record book for each year/semester for recording data and observations.

Safety and Emergency Equipment: Eye wash stations, and first-aid kits for safety emergencies.

Students and researchers from the vicinity make use of the facilities in our lab for the conduct for their research works.