Internal Examinations

The College conducts two internal examinations for each semester.Internal evaluation is done by continuous assessment.Marks distribution for internal assessments and the components for internal evaluation with their marks are shownbelow:

 Theory -For all courses without practical

Components of Internal Evaluation of theory Marks
Attendance 5
Assignment /Seminar/Viva 5
Test papers (2×5=10) 10
Total 20

Theory-For all courses with practical

Components of Internal Evaluation Marks
Attendance 5
Assignment /Seminar/Viva 2
Test papers (2 x 4) 8
Total 15


Components Internal evaluation of Practical Marks
Attendance 2
Test paper (1 x 4) 4
Record* 4
Total 10

*Marks awarded for Record should be related to number of experiments recorded and duly signed by the teacher concerned in charge.

For projects

Components of internal Evaluation of Project Marks
Punctuality 5
Experimentation/data collection 5
Knowledge 5
Report 5
Total 20

Attendance Evaluation for all papers 

% of attendance Marks
90 and above 5
85 – 89 4
80-84 3
76-79 2



 (Decimals are to be rounded to the next higher whole number)