Statutory Cells

Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC)

The institution is committed to providing a safe and congenial learning atmosphere for the students. The Grievance Redressal Cell facilitates the resolution of grievances in a fair and unbiased manner, maintaining necessary confidentiality as the case may be. Any student with a genuine grievance can submit her grievance in writing or fill up the online grievance submission form available in the college website.

Objectives of the Grievance Redressal Cell

  • To ensure a fair, impartial and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by the students
  • To promote cordial and harmonious relationships between the different stakeholders
  • To encourage students to express their concerns freely and openly without the fear of being victimized
  • To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality

Grievance Redressal Mechanism at the Institution Level

  1. In accordance with the provisions of UCG, a Student Grievance Redressal Cell is constituted at the commencement of every academic year. The Student Grievance Redressal Cell probes into student grievances and tries to resolve the issues in a timebound and confidential manner. It aims to redress grievances at individual and class level and also grievances of common interest.
  2. A complaint/ suggestion box has been set up outside the college office where students can deposit their complaint or grievance letters offline. The Cell Convenor checks the complaint box regularly so as to ensure that any grievances brought forward are redressed as early as possible.
  3. Students can also address or raise their concerns online through the link provided in the college website for submitting their grievances. The Cell Convenor periodically checks if any grievances are submitted.
  4. As soon as grievances are received through online or offline channels, a meeting of the Cell is convened, grievances discussed and remedial actions taken in a time bound manner.

Click here to Submit your Grievances /send email to

Dr. Sujo Mary Varghese
Dr. Rajani Jacob
Ms. Chaithanya Elsa Achankunju
Staff Representative
Ms. Serene Anna Sam
Staff Representative

   Minutes 2017-22

Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

The college has committed itself to provide a conducive environment in which the students, teachers and non- teaching staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment and exploitation. As per University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015, the institution has an Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee, which is now renamed as Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).

The ICC is constituted to keep a watch on sexual harassment cases in the campus. The Committee meets at regular intervals to monitor and ensure that no cases of sexual harassment are reported in the campus.

The responsibilities of the cell include:

  • To ensure provision of a safe educational and work environment that is free from sexual harassment.
  • To take active steps against prevention of sexual harassment
  • To ensure the creation of a mechanism of complaint creation that is safe, accessible and sensitive
  • To adopt stringent measures against cases reported in the institution
  • To provide emotional and psychological support to students in need.

Dealing with Incidents of Sexual Harassment

Any student who wishes to complaint against an incident of sexual harassment can report to the members of the ICC, whose names are published in the College Handbook and Website. Friends, relatives, co-students or any other associate of the victim may file the complaint where the aggrieved person is unable to make a complaint on account of physical or mental incapacity. The Committee will investigate the matter thoroughly and complete an inquiry within a period of ninety days from the receipt of the complaint.

Dr. Sujo Mary Varghese
Dr. Anupama P
IQAC Coordinator
Ms. Sherin T Abraham
Ms. Preethi Sara Joseph
Staff Representative

Minutes 2017-22

Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC)

The college has set up an Anti-Ragging Committee to keep a watch and prevent incidents of ragging in the campus.

The Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted with an aim to:

  • Prevent the menace of ragging and to foster healthy inter personal relations among students in the campus.
  • Keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so that its occurrence is prevented.
  • Suitably and stringently deal with the incidents of ragging brought to the notice of the college.
  • Offer services of counselling and create awareness among students.

Anti- Ragging Mechanisms at the Institution level

  1. A vigilant Anti- Ragging Committee actively monitors and adopts timely measures to prevent incidents of ragging in the campus.
  2. An online undertaking is submitted by each student and every parent in every academic year in accordance with the UGC regulations.
  3. Installation of CCTV cameras at vital points
  4. Regular interaction and counselling with the students to detect early signs of ragging and identification of trouble-triggers.
  5. Display of anti-ragging posters in prominent and strategic places in the campus like corridors, notice boards, hostel etc.
  6. Regular conduct of anti-ragging workshops and seminars
  7. Installation of Complaint/ suggestion boxes
  8. Periodic supervision and monitoring by hostel warden and staff to check ragging in the hostel premises.

Dealing with Incidents of Ragging

Any student who has been subjected to, or wishes to express their concerns regarding ragging can file a complaint to the Anti-Ragging Committee. The students can also report to their respective Heads of Department/ Faculty Mentor or drop their complaints in the complaint box. The Anti-Ragging Committee will investigate the matter thoroughly and take corrective actions immediately.

Dr. Sujo Mary Varghese
Dr. Anupama P
IQAC Coordinator
Ms. Sherin T Abraham
Dr. Bibin Kuriakose
Staff Advisor- College Union
Ms. Manju Varghese
Staff Advisor- Arts Club
Sri. P. K Kuruvilla
Media Person
Smt. Annie Martin
Ward Member
Sri. Reji Jose
Police Officer
Ms. Sam Alex Baby
Social Worker

Minutes 2017-22